Saturday, October 06, 2007

Why we Live in Dryden

Yesterday was a beautiful day to be out with the camera. I started out doing work for the campaign. But it's the camera that kept me going.

As a part of the work I've been doing with the Planning Board to implement the Comprehensive Plan, I've been collecting pictures of things I like about Dryden. The overwhelming sense of the community as the Comprehensive Plan was being developed, was the desire to maintain the rural character of the town. You can see that character as you enter Dryden from all sides:

From the north



and west.

This is Malloryville. "Settled in in 1826 by Samuel Mallory who operated here chair and cloth factories."

This sign in Malloryville says "Duck Crossing." I have to admire those ducks 'cause the unleashed, barking dogs are pretty intimidating.

Fall Creek meanders through Malloryville under a bridge that says: "1915 Manufactured by The Good Roads Machinery Company, Marathon, N. Y."


Blogger Endment said...

Tempting :)
Wishing you success today!

7:56 AM, November 06, 2007  

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