Monday, September 24, 2007

A Gathering of Democrats

Thank you, Simon, for taking custody of my camera at yesterday's picnic. It gave me a chance to talk and listen more than I can when I'm taking pictures.
It was a festive event - a classic Tompkins County picnic with Cornell barbecued chicken, vegetarian lasagna and lots of potluck salads, side dishes and desserts.

Jason and David and I were having a great. time.

Guest speaker June O'Neill said that within minutes of being elected Chair of the NYS Democratic Committee earlier this year, Irene Stein (Tompkins County Committee Chair) came up to her and said, "We're having a picnic..." O'Neill could hardly decline the invitation since it was obviously her first as state chair.

Here O'Neill is using an old joke (so old it's attributed to Abraham Lincoln) to illustrate Senate Majority Leader Bruno's maneuvers. "How many legs does a dog have if you call a tail a leg?" A few answers were shouted from the audience.

And here David and Jason and I (and very few others - that's Caroline Supervisor Don Barber over on the far right) are agreeing that the answer is four.
Be sure to let Bruno know that calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.


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