Thursday, April 21, 2016

Vote YES to Preserve Fall Creek Parkland

On May 3, you will be asked: Shall the qualified voters of the Town of Dryden approve the purchase of tax parcel 44.-1-2.323 (15 acres on Pinckney Road) as provided for in Resolution #40 of 2016? Here is what your YES vote will mean. Yes means that funds for the purchase will come from the Recreation Reserve fund and will have no effect on your taxes or the budget. Yes means that the town can preserve a parcel of land to establish a public park that will eventually link to our hiking and bike trails. Yes means adding parkland to a part of town where little parkland or public green space currently exists. Yes means protection for a unique area along Fall Creek that could otherwise suffer from unrestricted building. Yes means that that Tompkins County will contribute $15,000 toward the purchase, reducing the town’s expense to $56,800. Yes means taking the $56,800 from a $306,000 capital fund that was established to be used for opportunities of this kind. Yes means that the increased value of nearby land will more than make up for the $84.48 loss in town revenues. VOTE TUESDAY, MAY 3, BETWEEN NOON AND 8 PM THERE WILL BE JUST TWO POLLING PLACES. If you usually vote at the Freeville or Dryden Fire Station, vote at the DRYDEN FIRE STATION. If you usually vote at the Etna Fire Station, Bethel Grove Church or the Varna Community Center, vote at the VARNA COMMUNITY CENTER.
