So much to do, so little time...
This blog has loftier goals to keep people informed and engaged in local issues that affect our lives. Yet I'm barely managing twice monthly posts. Here are some of the reasons that I run out of time or energy before I get to this blog.
From yesterday's schedule:
- Meeting with TC3 and other property owners around the area behind the town hall to discuss development of a trail from the TC3 dorms to the village.
- Meeting with Ed Bugliosi from USGS to plan development of a new well for the Village of Dryden. This is more urgent that it sounds. The health department mandates that the water supply be able to provide water even in the event that one well has to be shut down for maintenance for up to five days. Even if the health department didn't mandate this, it would be a good idea.
- Meeting with representatives of municipalities throughout Tompkins County to hear from the lawyer now consulting on the formation of a consortium to help control health insurance costs for municipal employees, Cooperative Extension regarding training for elected and appointed officials, Tompkins County Emergency Services about - well, emergency services, Tompkins County Planning reporting on the Cornell initiative supporting housing and transportation improvements. And after rushing through those topics we got to the highlight: discussion of dog control and the SPCA contract. This may sound less urgent that, for example, the Dryden Village well. But part of the question is, "Will the Town of Dryden really be paying $45,000 for dog control next year."
- Scanning my mail and email to see if there's anything I have to respond to immediately.
Other hot topics this month:
- Meeting with Village of Dryden officials regarding sewer use rates and plans for a new waste water treatment facility
- Legislation requiring operating permits for places where hazardous materials are stored or hazardous processes are used and assembly areas accommodating more than 100 people.
- Proposed improvements to the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility
- Planning for development of parks and recreation town wide
- Transportation planning and the Rt 13/366 corridor
- Hiring an assistant for the town bookkeeper
Routine monthly meeting commitments:
- Bolton Point Water Commission
- Dryden Recreation Commission
- Dryden Youth Commission
- Town of Dryden Planning Board
- (The Zoning Board of Appeals, Conservation Board, Emergency Services Committee and Personnel Committee are doing fine with their appointed Town Board liaisons so I don't go to their meetings, tho' I'd like to sometimes.)
- Ithaca Area Wast Water Treatment Facility
- Tompkins County Council of Governments
- Town Board meetings
Things that are pretty far down on my task list that I wish were higher up
- Updating the town's hazard mitigation plan
- Implementing the Comprehensive Plan
- Publishing the 2007 Annual Report
- Analysis of town energy use
- Development of orientation material for new town board members
- Housing and economic planning
- Development of Personnel Department performance review program
- Internal Audit
- Search for new accounting software to improve financial reporting
Things I wish never had to be on my task list:
- Returning calls to people who don't like the way highway right-of-ways are maintained.
- Hmm.... there must be others...
Okay. I think I get it. If I write here more often, I can focus on specifics and maybe get some feed back. Now I'm going to go work in the garden for a while to think.