Several issues were discussed in depth last night while some others were glossed over.
The Public Hearing on the development of a Dollar General store on North Street remains open pending further information on the lighting plan, traffic plan and more.
The Varna Community Association, taking the initiative on emergency planning, asked the Town to fund a generator which would enable them to provide shelter and meals in the event of a power outage presuming the outage does not affect the natural gas supply. The sense of the Board was that we cannot fund this project at this time, but we need to work on a town-wide emergency plan.
Jessica Houle asked for Town support for the OURS program helping youth in the Congers Trailer Park neighborhood. Environmental Planner, Dan Kwasnowski, agreed to meet with her to help develop a grant concept.
Highway superintendent, Jack Bush, has postponed replacing a grader 'til next year and will be replacing a sand/salt spreader and acquiring a 6' rotary mower. Jack estimates the cost of expanding the parking area at the Finger Lakes Land Trust's Ellis Hollow Creek Road property to be $2,500 in materials and $3,500 in labor. Etna Community Association thanks the Dryden crew for mowing the playground and asks for help repairing the post office parking lot. Jack will try to help with the request to lower the speed limit on Baker Hill Road later in the summer when summer road repairs near completion.
The big news from the Engineering Department is that bids for the new town hall have been received and opened. The total of low bids for construction, HVAC, electric and plumbing total by $31,132 (1% of the $2,965,000 authorized for the project.) Architect, Tony Egner, submitted a list of items totaling $108,450 which might be altered to bring the cost of the project down to the authorized amount. Egner, the low bidders and the Board town hall committee will meet to review the proposals. Following this meeting, the Town Board will call a special meeting to approve resolutions to issue contracts for construction of the new town hall.
Town Engineers have completed plans for Pinckney Road sewer and water districts. Property owners will be asked if, in view of the high cost, there is interest in continuing. Engineers also recommend purchase of a small building to house new radio telemetry equipment provided by Bolton Point, saving the town $190 a month in current phone service required for telemetry.
From the Recreation Department: action on the skateboard park will be delayed 'til the town attorney drafts the necessary agreement with the village. Fall sports schedules are available. Recreation coordinator, Jennifer Dube, on behalf of Varna Community Association, requested funding to replace mildewed carpet in the Community Center and replace old folding tables. After lengthy discussion of the community center budget line added to the 2006 budget the board concluded that the intent was to provide seed money to pursue grant funding for a larger capital project. We agreed to release enough money from that line for each community center to request up to $2,000 to fund recreational programs for residents. In this way, although the town cannot invest in privately owned facilities, some of Varna's program costs can be funded enabling the community association to afford to replace the carpet.
Code enforcement Officer, Henry Slater, submitted a request from New York Atlantic-Inland Safety Inspections to exempt one of their inspectors from new town regulations governing qualifications of electrical inspectors.
Environmental Planner, Dan Kwasnowski, introduced a proposal to begin work on updating town zoning regulations in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Board last year.
The final draft of the proposed Renewable Energy Law was distributed to Board Members. Since this draft was not available until 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting, no action is proposed at this time. Board members may comment and revisions may be made until the interim Board meeting expected to be scheduled before the end of August. At that time, if the Board agrees, the law will be introduced and a public hearing scheduled for September.
Glenn Wolford presented a proposal from the NYSDEC to acquire a 33 acre parcel of land near Irish Settlement Road. The parcel is landlocked and would make a valuable addition to the Yellow Barn Forest and would remain on the tax rolls (as does other Yellow Barn Forest land) and the Board endorses the proposal.
Councilman Tier said he'd like to talk to Etna Fire Chief, Tom Lobdell, before discussing the Etna Fire Department Contract.
Cayuga Press's HUD loan and Emergency Services coordinator were not discussed and will presumable appear on future agendas. Someday I'm going to look at items that continue to show up on the agenda month after month with little or no progress.
Labels: Town Board Meetings